For years, I have been making my own jewelry by beading. Beading is fun to do, but it also requires some time and concentration. It is fun not only to make jewelry for yourself, but with beading you can also make custom jewelry to give to family and friends as gifts. Beading allows you to make unique jewelry that nobody else has.
The first step to beading is to gather the necessary materials which include thin string or wire, beads, crimp beads, a clasp, and pliers. A centerpiece is optional. All of these materials can be found at most craft stores. After all of the materials have been gathered together, the next step is to choose the colors that will be included for the piece of jewelry. All different sizes of beads can be used. If a centerpiece is going to be used, it is usually a good idea to use beads that are similar in color to the color of the centerpiece.
After the different beads and colors have been selected, the length of the string should be measured and cut. When the length of the string is measured, it is important to leave an extra inch on both sides so that there is enough room to put the clasp on. The clasp should be put onto the string first and then the clasp should be slid across the string so that it is about one inch away from the end. Then I usually tie a knot to hold the clasp in place. Next the crimp beads should be strung onto the string and then they should be slid down so that they are over both pieces of string and right next the knot. Then the pliers should be used to crimp the beads.
The next step to beading is to put the beads on in patterns. If a centerpiece is being used it is important to make sure it ends up in the middle. To put the beads onto the string, some people use beading needles to more easily string on small beads. Without a beading needle, it can be very frustrating to put small beads onto the string. The beads can be put onto the string in an organized pattern or in a random order. If a centerpiece and a pattern are being used, I recommend writing down the pattern so that the other side of the piece of jewelry looks the same as the first side.
Once all of the beads have been put on the string, two crimp beads and the other end of the clasp should be put onto the string. I usually tie another knot to hold on the other end of the clasp and there should be very little or no space left between the clasp and the crimp beads. The extra string should be strung through the crimp beads so that the string is doubled up. The last thing to do is to crimp the crimp beads on the end with the pliers.
Beading is a fun way to make your own jewelry. It is also a great way to make unique, custom gifts. Beading is a hobby that many people enjoy.